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Wie zijn wij?De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud (NVDO) is dé toonaangevende brancheorganisatie die middels belangenbehartiging, kennisoverdracht en netwerken ondersteuning biedt aan bedrijven en personen die bij de besluitvorming op het gebied van Beheer en Onderhoud/Asset Management betrokken zijn en daarmee de Nederlandse...

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Mingxin Li (TU Delft) wins Ph. D. Thesis Award 2024

Woensdag, 10 juli 2024 08:32
Mingxin Li (TU Delft) wins Ph. D. Thesis Award 2024

Towards Closed-loop Maintenance Logistics for Offshore Wind Farms: Approaches for Strategic and Tactical Decision-making

This thesis addresses maintenance issues in a very important, fast-growing part of the Dutch and European economy, offshore wind farms. In the coming decade, the installed base of these windfarms will increase multifold and so will the challenges involved in maintaining them well. The location of these assets at sea creates  unique, and therefore underresearched, challenges for maintenance.

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