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Wie zijn wij?De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud (NVDO) is dé toonaangevende brancheorganisatie die middels belangenbehartiging, kennisoverdracht en netwerken ondersteuning biedt aan bedrijven en personen die bij de besluitvorming op het gebied van Beheer en Onderhoud/Asset Management betrokken zijn en daarmee de Nederlandse...

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Interreg North-West Europe Grant for the More4Sustainability Project

Vrijdag, 16 februari 2024 09:20
Interreg North-West Europe Grant for the More4Sustainability Project

Maintenance as a key player?!

Energy saving and the efficient use of energy within Management and Maintenance focuses, among other things, on the sustainable generation, use and monitoring of the energy consumption of the assets. According to Den Broeder (NVDO); “This focuses on topics such as the energy consumption of assets and optimal use of assets. In addition, efficient use and generation of energy offers financial benefits. The Energy Agreement contains goals for energy savings and generation through sustainable energy. Management and Maintenance can contribute to these goals. In addition, Maintenance contributes to sustainability by improving assets’ energy efficiency”.

With the More4Sustainabilty project, the Dutch Maintenance Society hopes to involve its members and other stakeholders even more in the theme of energy efficiency.

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