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Call for candidates “The Chair of EFNMSvzw”

Maandag, 03 februari 2025 02:53
Call for candidates “The Chair of EFNMSvzw”

In autumn 2025, the current Chairman of EFNMS (European Federation of National Maintenance Societies), Mr. Cosmas Vamvalis, will complete his third term in office. To ensure a smooth transition and the selection of a competent successor, the General Assembly of EFNMS entrusted the task of overseeing the election process to a specially appointed election committee on September 14, 2024.

The new chairman election will take place in the next General Assembly meeting in Vilnius the 10th of May 2025. The election will be based on the identification and verification of suitable candidates from among the EFNMS members. This critical transition marks an important phase in the governance of EFNMS, ensuring its continued leadership and direction in the field of maintenance management across Europe.

Further details are published in the download

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