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Wie zijn wij?

Wie zijn wij?De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud (NVDO) is dé toonaangevende brancheorganisatie die middels belangenbehartiging, kennisoverdracht en netwerken ondersteuning biedt aan bedrijven en personen die bij de besluitvorming op het gebied van Beheer en Onderhoud/Asset Management betrokken zijn en daarmee de Nederlandse...

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European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS)


What does EFNMS stand for?
The EFNMS, the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, was established in 1970. The EFNMS transformed to a formal non-profit organization ("Vereniging zonder Winstoogmerk") according to Belgian law created on January 18, 2003, in Amsterdam.

The EFNMS objectives are the following: the improvement of maintenance for the benefit of the peoples of Europe. By the term ‘maintenance’ is meant: the combination of all

        - Technical 
        - Administrative and
        - M

Actions during the lifecycle of an item intended to retain or restore it to a state in which it can perform its required function.

Maintenance is of utmost importance for trade and commerce, for the environment, and for general health and safety. In order to pursue its goals, the EFNMS shall be an umbrella organization for the non-profit National Maintenance Societies in Europe.

In order that it may realize its objectives, the EFNMS shall, amongst other activities:
Coordinate maintenance matters between European National Maintenance Societies and establish contacts with
           Maintenance Societies outside of Europe 
Study and introduce good maintenance management and promote and initiate maintenance
techniques and
Promote the awarding of prizes and distinctions relating to maintenance 
Provide direction in the development of maintenance 
Initiate and promote the publication of the results of scientific and practical work in the maintenance field 
Draft maintenance guidelines 
        - Organize bi-annual international conferences and conventions about maintenance 
Represent "maintenance", as developed and implemented in Europe, and support it in contacts with official national,
          supra national,
and international institutions 






03-02-2025 Call for candidates “The Chair of EFNMSvzw”

In autumn 2025, the current Chairman of EFNMS (European Federation of National Maintenance Societies), Mr. Cosmas Vam...

25-09-2024 NVDO congratulates Marya Ryytty on winning the European Maintenance Manager A...

“Every day, the world depends on the tireless efforts of those who ensure that our infrastructure, environment, and e...

30-08-2024 the Netherlands represented at EuroMaintenance 2024, Rimini

The European main Maintenance Conference will take place from 16 to 18 September 2024, at Rimini Palacongressi. The e...

10-07-2024 Mingxin Li (TU Delft) wins Ph. D. Thesis Award 2024

Mingxin Li (TU Delft) wins Ph. D. Thesis Award 2024. Towards Closed-loop Maintenance Logistics for Offshore Wind Farm...

01-07-2024 Asset Management Landscape

Het doel van het GFMAM Landscape is om een gedeelde visie op Asset Management uit te leggen, waarbij de nadruk ligt o...

14-06-2024 Fill out the EMAM Survey 2024

The goal of the European Maintenance and Asset Management Survey (EMAM 24 Survey) is to recognize and analyze the tre...

06-06-2024 EFNMS Newsletter #26

EFNMS Newsletter #26

16-02-2024 Interreg North-West Europe Grant for the More4Sustainability Project

Maintenance as a key player?! Energy saving and the efficient use of energy within Management and Maintenance focuses...

29-01-2024 Call for Nominations: Maintenance PhD Thesis Award

We are excited to announce the launch of the Maintenance PhD Thesis Award, a collaboration between the Nederlandse Ve...

04-01-2024 EFNMS Newsletter #25

EFNMS Newsletter #25


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