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Wie zijn wij?

Wie zijn wij?De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud (NVDO) is dé toonaangevende brancheorganisatie die middels belangenbehartiging, kennisoverdracht en netwerken ondersteuning biedt aan bedrijven en personen die bij de besluitvorming op het gebied van Beheer en Onderhoud/Asset Management betrokken zijn en daarmee de Nederlandse...

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European Asset Management Committe-EAMC

European Asset Management Committe

The Background:
Asset Management has a holistic view on the engineering (physical) assets of a company. The concept takes into account capacity considerations, design, investments and maintenance of production equipment. One of the main tasks of Asset Management is to guarantee that the changing business requirements and engineering assets match together in an optimal way taking into account all life cycle aspects of equipment. In the present business environment the asset management is becoming one of the key challenges of the business organizations. EFNMS Asset Management Committee was founded in 2007.

To create a discipline of an asset management as a key competence of EFNMS (under the process of development)

To make asset management well known discipline in Europe, promote asset management competencies and support and promote the development of asset management methodology (under the process of development)

Invitation to participate:
We invite all our member societies to participate in the activities of EAMC??

Business Plan:

  • Promote physical asset management and contribution maintenance makes to it
  • Encourage national societies to actively participate in the development of
    physical asset management
  • Developing guidelines for members of national
    maintenance societies to follow good practices in physical asset
  • Encourage national societies to define competencies and training
    programs for physical asset management

EFMNS MembersVice
President Level

Conceptual process
Standards and specifications

Marketing Plan
Euro Maintenance 2010 – Verona?Local Seminars organised by member societies – aimed at top management Need to develop papers / speakers?Write in magazines e.g. EFNMS publication, member society publications, IJSEAM?Communication Plan – External and Internal

Participate in discussions on physical asset management with EAMC (European asset management committee) in LinkedIn

Branding of EFNMS with respect to Asset Management

Committee Membership
Additional people from societies meeting
Critical Success Factors / Strategic Drivers
(under the process of development)
Justification / arguments
Special topic in Trondheim GA meeting

What is Asset Management
The systematic and coordinated managerial decisions, activities and practices through which a company identifies existing and potential strategic engineering assets against business requirements, successfully manages them and their associated performance, output, risks and expenditures over their life cycle, for the purpose of achieving the company’s strategic objectives. This is valid for all systems producing goods and services.


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